Dogmatek produce high quality and unique effects pedals.
Our emphasis on original design integrity enables you to produce innovative and classic sounds using modern control methods. At the heart of all Dogmatek pedals are crisp, warm analog electronics ensuring you get real, unadulterated tone with superior functionality.
Check out our products page. New content now uploaded!

A new suite of demo videos is live. The product feature video is a demo of the Arctic Wolfs functions, while the other shorter videos demo some of its features…
The 2nd prototype case has arrived with all the graphics to boot. Check it out! Excuse the orange switches, they are just there for fitting. This pedals days are numbered……
The new Arctic Wolf user manual is available for free download. Click on the link here and its yours. ARCTIC WOLF USER MANUAL There’s loads of info and a few…
The PCBs are currently being inspected by the fabricators. Parts have almost all arrived. The suppliers made a bit of a mistake in the supply of the components but its…